Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Structure of Sargassum



has a perennial part consisting of a holdfast and one or more short main axes and an annual part of secondary axes. The thallus is highly branched.  Sargassum gets its dark green or brown color from the pigment fucoxanthin. Sargassum grows quickly, up to 10 cm a day.  It can grow to several meters long.  Some species attach to coral, rocks or shells, especially near reefs.  Other species are pelagic and never attach.  Sargassum has floats that help it float up toward the water’s surface, aiding in photosynthesis and contributing to its tendency to form floating mats. While most brown algae prefer colder water, Sargassum is found in temperate and tropical ocean waters. It grows more quickly in the summer.


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